Family scripture study does more than teaches families about the scriptures. It gives us a chance to talk and ask questions about the gospel and life in general. It also helps to unify the family and increase family bonds. As we have strived to read the scriptures daily with our family I have seen so many blessings come into our life. I know I am helping my children put on the armor of God and that by reading my children will be better protected to face the world with all it’s challenges and temptations.
Today I want to share 6 ways we can improve our family scripture study. If this habit is something you are already doing then I hope you can find ways to improve your family scripture study. If you are striving to improve or trying to be more consistent with your family study I sincerely hope this helps you. And if you never read as a family everyday let me invite you to take a challenge and give it a try.
1. Start Small
Sometimes there are lots of areas we want to improve in. It can be overwhelming and really easy to stop trying. Start small. We read everyday. But we don’t necessarily read a whole chapter. We have little kids and that’s not where we are right now. This year we are reading from The New Testament for Latter-Day Saint Families. I love how they break up chapters into sections that are easier to read. Some nights it’s a bit longer, but that’s okay. It’s better to read everyday for a little bit than just reading one day even if that day you read much more.
I also like little books like Stand a Little Taller. Every calendar day has 1 verse to read. If you need a place to start, this might be a great idea. Even if you read one verse as a family everyday your lives will be blessed. Don’t be discouraged if you miss a day. It happens. But by trying to start this family habit you will be teaching your kids that the scriptures are important.
And this advice isn’t just for Latter Day Saints, or Mormons. I would encourage all faiths to read from their scriptures everyday.
2. Switch it up!
We were doing pretty great at reading as a family and my husband wanted to switch our reading time to the morning. So we tried that, and it really didn’t work. I’m kind of a slacker mom in the morning. We are usually rushed or someone can’t find their shoes. I realized it wasn’t the best time for my family. So we went back to bedtime and it has worked great.
If you are having a hard time reading as a family consider moving when you do read together. This will have to adjust to each family as your family grows. One of these days when my children aren’t home in the evening I will need to get it together to make it happen in the morning.
Another great time to read is after family dinner. If you eat together as a family then why not read at the table after everyone is finished? Or if you have real self control, before. I think blood sugars would drop in our home and I would be quick to wrap it up quickly. But know that you don’t have to read at a certain time everyday. Choose what is best for your family. And if you need guidance on when to have your family scripture study remember you can always pray and ask for help. The Lord wants you read as a family. He is only too happy to help you.
3. Ask Questions
The Scriptures we are reading have some great questions at the bottom of the pages in the foot notes. But not always. One of the best way to get our kids engaged in scriptures study is to encourage communication. I will ask them what happened or what they would have done. I love hearing my kids answers. Sometimes they can come up with things I didn’t think of. Take time to listen and encourage their ideas.
This is also a time for them to ask questions. I love when my 5 year old will ask what a word means. It is the perfect time to have a discussion on a topic they bring up. And if you don’t know the answer feel free to consult someone older and wiser than you. It’s okay for our kids to know we don’t know everything, but we can help them by directing them to someone who does know more than us
And the questions don’t have to be hard. We try to keep them open ended so they just can’t answer yes or no. Like when we were reading about Paul we can ask, “Why did The Lord allow Paul to be put in prison?” Or “How did The Lord bless Daniel for obeying the Law of Moses?” or “What would you do if you saw a man lying in the street while you were traveling?” Asking these kinds of questions helps our kids, and us, think about our lives. We need to teach that we can draw strength and learn knowledge from these records from so long ago.
We can also draw parallels to our lives as we learn about those in the scriptures. Our kids can learn to apply these records to our lives now.
4. Ponderize
This fun term came from a General Conference talk awhile ago. It’s combining Pondering and Memorize together. It would be a great idea to try and memorize scriptures together. You could pick a new one each week and read it or say it everyday. Then at the end of the week talk about everyone’s impressions on this scripture.
This is another great way to start small. And you may find that after doing these things you may want to read or memorize even more. Memorizing scriptures is a great way to help our kids. I know sometimes when I am in a bind a scripture will “pop” into my head. It’s always a perfect way to help me. But if we aren’t reading them or trying to memorize them it’s going to be hard to get them in our head.
I also love this post from Kristen Duke who is striving to memorize or ponderize two scriptures a month. She has created a fun image to help you and your kids remember the words. Pop over there and check it out.
5. Don’t just Read them
Don’t get me wrong. Reading them is important. And right now I am trying to encourage my older two to read them on their own as well as our family scripture time. But children learn in lots of different ways. And just like we try to teach them earthly knowledge in more than one way we should be doing this with the scriptures as well. Need some ideas?
- Sing songs about the scriptures
- Use Flannel boards
- Draw pictures of different stories
- Act them out
- Watch Bible videos
And please if you have any other ideas please share them below! In addition to reading we can teach our children about the scriptures in lots of different ways.
6. Bear Testimony
This is one area that has really helped us. The scriptures bring a beautiful feeling of peace into our home. But family scripture study is real and everyday. Our scripture study has moments of farting, giggling, and children pretending to be puppies and lick your face when you are reading. I have kids start to use the restroom or jump on me as we read. It’s not always a moment of feeling the spirit. But I want them to feel the spirit when we read. So I invite the spirit by bearing testimony. If we read about the Good Samaritan than I bear testimony that I know we should help others even when it is hard. If we read about Paul’s conversion than I declare that we too should ask The Lord, “What will you have me do?” If we are reading about Christ being baptized that I bear witness that we too should follow the example of our Savior and be baptized like He was so long ago.
When I bear testimony to my children I invite the spirit and help them to recognize that feeling of peace and happiness. I want to give my children as many chances as possible to feel the spirit so they too can know truth. I want to encourage and invite them to pray about what we are reading that they can know for themselves that these things are true. And we need to remember that we can only teach so much. Spiritual learning and understanding come from the Holy Ghost.
So now I want to end with my testimony. I know that if you strive to read the scriptures as a family, whatever your faith, that you will be blessed. You will find great unity and more love in the home. Your children will better understand the principals taught in these sacred books. And you will be blessed. I challenge you to strive to read everyday. Talk to your family about your ideas and give them a try. If you need any extra help please feel free to contact me as I would love to help. Every night might not be picture perfect. But “each family prayer, each episode of family scripture study, and each family home evening is a brush stroke on the canvas of our souls. No one event may appear to be very impressive or memorable.”
Please feel free to share how you strive to improve your family scripture study, whatever your faith. Let us encourage and lift each other that we can all build stronger families.
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